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The 3C's of Skywards

Writer's picture: Skywards HPCSkywards HPC

Updated: Aug 20, 2019


“The 3C's Model is an industry model, which offers a strategic look at the factors needed for success. It was developed by Japanese organizational theorist Kenichi Ohmae.

The 3Cs model points out that a strategist should focus on three key factors for success. In the construction of a business strategy, three main elements must be taken into account:

1. The Company

2. The Customers

3. The Competitors

Only by integrating these three, a sustained competitive advantage can exist. Ohmae refers to these key factors as the three Cs or strategic triangle.” – Wikipedia

Everyone loves an acronym. In business, in education, in social discourse. They are everywhere and for good reason. Condensing longer form ideas into short, snappy, easy to remember acronyms makes recall so much easier and efficient. Google 3C’s and you will find a multitude of variations on the theme first developed by Ohmae and that doesn’t even take into account the other 25 letters of the alphabet!

So it is that the foundation of the Skywards approach is built upon our own 3C’s model. The HP is constant, unlimited and always fascinating; Human Potential. What we are capable of knows no bounds and it is only through conditioning and limiting beliefs that many of us have lost sight of our own. It is this potential that has allowed us to evolve from cosmic to conscious, from caveman to cultured, and it was discovering my own personal potential that ignited the passion to help others unearth theirs too. That is and always will be, the ultimate, irrefutable aim of Skywards HPC.

Life is transient, life is ever moving, the waves of consequence and trial forever trying to throw us off course.

Just as the seas of life can change in an instant, so too the C’s of personal development. Using a business model might seem to be a strange choice when considering the esoteric world of consciousness and personal development but ask yourself how many of us spend 40 hours a week using models such as these to set goals, achieve targets and increase profits for our companies, employers and shareholders yet never think to implement those same strategies in our personal lives?

Simon Sinek, an author, motivational speaker and organisational consultant first came to prominence in 2009 through his popular TED talk and book based on the same topic, “Start with Why”. The premise of the golden circle detailed within, references three key elements of business; ‘what’, ‘how’ and ‘why’ and highlights how the great influencers of our time inverted this model by focusing on their ‘why’ first and letting the ‘how’ and ‘what’ flow from this.

If unlocking human and personal potential is our ‘why’, then our 3C’s model spells out our ‘how’.

· Collective

· Coaching

· Community


Whilst it appeals to my ideas on our ever changing natures to have the C fluid, if you were to pin me down on one definitive definition then this would be it. To quote our ‘why’ directly;

“The aim is to enhance the awareness, balance and coherence of a collective willing to embrace the idea that we as human beings are only scratching the surface of our capabilities, to be the pioneers of potential and unearth the possibilities that are available to us all when we do the work and take that first step into the unknown.”

This will be achieved by accessing a collective of ideas, approaches and resources aimed at unlocking our beliefs, capabilities and possibilities, not only through the Skywards model but also by highlighting and promoting other companies, individuals and techniques. Despite it being a core tenet of Ohmae’s model, competition is not a consideration in the traditional sense when it comes to achieving the best possible outcome for our community. If my path to recovery has taught me anything, it is that there are many different tools, techniques and approaches to optimised living and what works for one will not necessarily work for another, therefore sharing and promoting resources is a key tenet of what we do. If we believe you would be best served by an alternative approach, then that is what we will recommend. With our ‘why’ always being at the core of every step we take, collaboration is the small ‘c’ that glues it all together. Collaboration between coach and client, collective and community, conventional and complementary and it is in this spirit that we constantly reach out to others in the field to compare, contrast and collaborate to bring back ideas worthy of consideration.


Coaching is where the rubber meets the road and it is the proverbial first step towards a life less ordinary, therefore, this is the first step we recommend to anyone who wants to do more with their life. I have defined the coaching approach already in previous posts so I won’t re-tread old ground suffice to say that coaching is a partnership where the ultimate power and direction lies with the client and the coach is simply a facilitator, an observer and reflector, with no agenda other than to help in whatever way possible to light the path and provide support and guidance through continuous education, experience and compassion.


Change can be painful, it can be isolating, yet it can also be cathartic and rewarding. Whilst the coaching model is very much based on partnership, this should be complemented by support from your peers, your fellow pioneers, those who are excited about life and its possibilities, those who are no longer content to settle, those who, just like you, are discovering their why and their way and so we aim to provide community for like-minded souls. For discussion, exploration, support and most importantly, fun!

As posited by William Von Hippel in his book, “The Social Leap”, what really accelerated humanity’s progress was the realisation that so much more can be achieved by working together rather than in isolation. Having a band of brothers and sisters at various stages of the journey can help accelerate our own progress and there is no doubt that the concept most often attributed to Jim Rohn;

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”

most definitely carries a lot of merit. As we constantly reference, the environment you create for yourself is just as important as the focus you place on your psychology or biology. We all need people in our lives, although how that manifests can really make the difference in our experiences and accomplishments. What we really need is a supportive network who knows where you have been, what you have gone through, what you are currently going through and most importantly, where you want to go. People who will not only support you, but challenge you and encourage you to go after what you want in life. People who will set their own bar high alongside your own and who will follow through from a place of genuine authenticity and will to see you succeed. At times throughout your transformation you will encounter those around you who, consciously or unconsciously, attempt to hold you back, either through fear, ignorance or conditioned thinking. Vironika Tugaleva describes it beautifully:

“Self-discovery changes everything, including your relationships with people. When you find your authentic self, those who loved your mask are disappointed. You may end up alone, but you don’t need to stay alone. While it’s painful to sever old connections, it’s not a tragedy. it’s an opportunity. Now, you can find people who understand the importance of looking for truth and being authentic. Now you can find people who want to connect deeply, like you’ve always wanted to, instead of constant small talk and head games. Now you can have real intimacy. Now, you can find your tribe.”

The Skywards Community will be there for you in your brightest and bleakest hours, ready to offer encouragement, empathy, and motivation depending on the situation and circumstance.

“A community should be judged good not because it is technologically advanced, or swimming in material riches; it is good if it offers people a chance to enjoy as many aspects of their lives as possible, while allowing them to develop their potential in pursuit of ever greater challenges” – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

In his seminal work, “Flow: The Psychology of Happiness”, Mihaly Csikszentimihalyi highlights the consensus among psychologists that people develop their sense of self and meaning through a sequence of steps. First, is the need to stabilise and discover the self, before expanding their meaning system by embracing the values of a community. Through these initial awareness and confidence building experiences, the person then turns inward once more, solidifying their own voice and purpose, realising their desire for growth, improvement and the actualisation of potential before taking that last life-changing step, an accumulation and consequence of all they have taken previously. One final turning away from the self as they realise what they can and cannot do alone, leading them to willingly embrace and merge their own interests with those of a larger whole and a higher goal, an elevated experience, free from dogma and conflict, where the individual can feel free to be themselves whilst also accepting and being accepted by a community of their peers, each member supporting the other in pursuit of their deepest intrinsic goals, dreams and purpose.

This is the strategic triangle for success that we champion and as we move into 2019 and we all begin to consider New Year’s resolutions, changes and challenges, we will be providing a platform for this community to grow and thrive and I encourage you all to participate by visiting our website, subscribing to our blog, following us on social media or taking any other form of positive action that will help bring you closer to the life you long for.

Take Aim, Transform, Transcend…


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